Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ten Book Related Problems I Have (could be serious or fun!) (28)

Check out how Top Ten Tuesday works & the future schedule of topics HERE.The Top Ten Tuesday, is hosted by the ever-fabulous The Broke and the Bookish   This  meme was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish.
Ten Book Related Problems I Have (could be serious or fun!)
  1. Book tours why you no come to Chicago/downtown: Most book tours near Chicago are in the suburbs and while it's not hard to get out to the suburbs it is a hassle.
  2. Lack of Bookish Friends: I have like one friend near me that I can ramble to about books..this is part of why I started a blog I can rant to other bookish people online.
  3. Fandom of 1,Please: This on is self explanatory I find a book that I think is the bees knees but no one else is feeling it
  4. Mispronouncing words because you’ve never actually heard them out loud—you’ve only read them in books: Not going to lie I sometimes search words on google so I can hear how it's pronounced. Is that weird?
  5. Unfinished series: When I start a series and the author just stops writing book for it I've ran across 2 or 3 so far :/
  6. That standalone you loved is now a trilogy or series...Why? Sometimes I want to read a series and other times a standalone & while it's awesome to see a book universe expand sometimes I just want a standalone why after 5 years does there need to be a sequel.
  7. Book to Movie comparison: I like comparing books to there movie contemporary not to brag about reading the book first,Hell sometime i'll watch a movie and find out it a book I'll compare both just cause I find it interesting to compare. The problem is people think I'm being pretentious
  8. Wanting to reread the most amazing book you read when you were a kid, but all you can remember is that it had a...cat in it??or maybe a girl???No pretty sure it was a cow...Serches kid books about cows.
  9. Dropping a book on your face while reading on your back. I also so this with my cell phone and e-reader.
  10. .I want all the Merch!! I'm a broke on/off student but book merch is awesome.
Bonus Problem: I'm just going to read a bit before my self imposed bedtime at 11 p.m and then I find myself finish and squinting at the sun it 6am some how.
That my Top Ten Bookish problems.Let me now yours leace a comment and link and i'll check it out :)

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