Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday (37 )Top Ten Favorite Book Settings

This week for Top Ten Tuesday, our topic is "Ten Bookish Settings I'd Love to Visit"

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Jessica's Ten Bookish Settings she would love to visit;

1. Dystopian- Because why not? Umm, fight for my life, government uprising, people/things trying to kill me!! I love it, it seems so fantastically frightening. 

2. Vampire Academy- Ugh, what I would do to find myself in a vampire world, while attending an vampire boarding school! I would for obvious reasons want to be a vampire..I mean how could you not but I would be a chill vampire...haha 

3. Outer space- There are so many books I have read about life in the beyond but YA additions. I would live on a space ship, eat unknown foods, have powers!! There is a chance I could meet other species, so many possibilities.

4. Afterlife- I love ya books about Grim Reapers, and collecting souls possibly sparing someone. In my view of ya afterlife, Starbucks is included, and I could totally be a Collector of Souls, like "Jessica, Collector of Souls at your service,".

5. Hogwarts- Always been a dream to visit, and take my place with the other Slytherins. Who are just misunderstood, we need love too! Also butter beer, Hagrid, visiting Diagon Alley, and annoying Hermoine because I could. I bet buying a wand would be life changing, and let's not forget the lovely ghosts at Hogwarts!!

Melissa's Ten Bookish Settings she would love to visit;

1.Hogwarts-As a huge Harry Potter nerd that I am, it's no shock that I would want to visit that magical boarding school.

2. Neverland- Peter Pan retellings are my jam. I love almost any book set in a Neverland-esqe type place.

3.England- Any book set in England always draws me in, there's so much History there.

4.Australia- Not a lot of books are set here but hot dam the ones that are make Australia seem like a cool place to visit.

5.The ocean- I've read so many books set at the beach or out at sea. It sounds great to just chill and be by the water.

Tell us which bookish settings would you like to visit.


  1. If I was in a dystopia, I’d probably die in about 5 seconds. I’m too squishy for dystopian worlds.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I like to think in the face of danger I can survive but if it involves chainsaws I'm done.

  3. Hogwarts was on my list this week too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/05/top-ten-tuesday-136/


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