Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book( 14)

Check out how Top Ten Tuesday works & the future schedule of topics HERE.The Top Ten Tuesday, is hosted by the ever-fabulous The Broke and the Bookish   This  meme was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book

  1. Coming of Age-For the most part I adore coming of age stories and if the synopsis intrigues me I'll read it.

  2. Road Trip or Travel-I adore road tripping books so if I see the words road trip I instantly feel the need to read the books.Weather its a road trip across the country or an overseas adventure! Click for Road Trip Book List

  3. Fairytale-I'm a sucker for fariytale being retold.Click Here for a list of a Fairytale Retelling

  4. Music Themed-When a book relates to music some how in anyway!!

  5. Quirky-Who doesn't love odd quirky character that march to their own beat. 

  6. Snarky- I'm a fan of snarky sarcastic characters who sometime are borderline rude.You know the ones who end  having a heat of gold..

  7. Wallflower-So I think at some point we've all felt like wall flowers and it's always nice to read about a wallflower "blooming" and becoming the awesome person they were meant to be.

  8. Mythology- I find myths and Legends fascinating especially Greek mythology.It's always a treat to read about all types of myths though.

  9.  Dystopian-I love a good dystopian story but lately I've become wary since they are everywhere now.Even with that said though if I see the word Dystopian I'll see what it's about cause you never know.

  10. Summer Romance- Because I'm a sap sometimes.

    So That's my Top Ten leave a comment& link so I can check out yours.:)





  1. These are great pop words. I love Greek mythlogy. And -- have you read Stargirl. Ultimate quirky character. And so delightful.

    1. Thanks and Yes Stargirl is a favorite of mine and Love,Stagirl as well.

    2. I could only comment as a reply for some reason, haha. Thanks for stopping by, you have a great list and I agree with you on 3, 6 and 8!

  2. Great list! I like the coming of age thing too. :) Thanks for commenting on my blog!


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