Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In OR Top Ten Characters I'd NEVER Want To
Trade Places With
Check out how Top Ten Tuesday works & the future schedule of topics HERE.The Top Ten Tuesday, is hosted by the ever-fabulous The Broke and the Bookish This meme was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish.
I've decied to go half and half with my list 5 worlds i'd never want to live in and 5 Character's I'd NEVER want to trade places wit
I've decied to go half and half with my list 5 worlds i'd never want to live in and 5 Character's I'd NEVER want to trade places wit
- The Hunger Games-Suzanne Colin: Since I'd like not to worry about possible having to fight to the death to survive.I would honestly die as soon as the game started....
- Not A Drop To Drink-Mindy McGinnis: All water is control by the government and chances of survival in the wild are slim unless you find a secure water source that you can protect. My chances of survival are slim but possible in this world but I'd rather not chance it
- Transparent Natalie Whipple:Ohkay so I'm 50/50 on this world on one hand there's a possibility of have an amazing power but on the other if your power is extra amazing you have little choice in whether you work for criminals or pay them off with the chance of them still trying to get you.This world is not as bad as the others on my list but it's debatable if i would ever want to live there
- Steelheart- Brandon Sanderson:So Yay a world with superpowers but Boo those powers make you act like an asshat who enslaves people.Steelheart's all about a world where superpowers don't make you a hero but a villan.It sounds like a fascinating but terrifying world to live in.
- Partials Dan Wells: "Partials—engineered organic beings identical to humans" In this world people are dying out after the war with partials and any baby born thanks to an airborne virus dies after 56 hours.Bleak couldn't describe this world any better and with all the pregnancy laws and dying babies you could pay me to go to this world
- Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter Series- Jk Rowling) If I could I'd sell a kidney to live in the Harry Potter world but Draco is not a character I envy.He cast as this villainesque character out to get Harry from the get go.I think he's just the product of his environment,he has to make some tough choices and I would not want to be in his place.
- David (Wings Series- Aprilynne Pike) He's the human in a paranormal love triangle and I always thought that someone in his position has it rough.The way the series ended for his was honest and a bit heartbreaking i would want to be in his place.
- Any werewolf in this book (Hemlock Series-Kathleen Peacock) It's tough to be a werewolf in the helmlock world
- The Best Friend in most love triangles( In alot of books with the best friend,Main Charecter,and Attractive Stranger) So I'll try not to rant about love triangle but to me they are either hit or miss.I feel like any time there a love triangle with the best friend who's secretly but also obviously in love with the main character The Best Friend get slighted/tossed to the curb.
- Peter Pettigrew (Harry Potter Series- Jk Rowling) He was a coward who sided with the stronger side/people all his life and I think he got what he deserved. However he had a choice between cowardice and protecting his friends he choice wrong.I would never want to be such a weak character or be in his position of having to decide to betray my friends.